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2 de abril de 2018

From scratch

For once, I'm not gonna plan.

I usually write in paper and after in the computer, just because I'm a hopeless romantic and I like to work hard (or double, or simply I'm still perfectionist for the sake of wasting my time). It's just natural and easily accessible. But whatever I have in paper is worthless, nobody can see it. My words don't reach anyone there... I don't think I really care, I do it for myself. Like a sort of therapy where you let it fly out and vomit your thoughts.

Who cares if I write a dystopian history or a nonsense reflexion. They are only words, I don't know sometimes if they are even mine. They come and go, like melodies created by inspiration. Why they appear. What they want to say. Which one is the meaning behind. They flow, like the life. So better to register them somehow when possible. To think about them later on. To try to understand.

It's nice to go back and check what you wrote and when. The shitiest moments are the best. The darkest places are full of brilliant ideas. When you are alone only your voice can be hear. And everything is clearer. And you remember....because you don't forget... You don't want to forget. The pain of remembering keeps you going. Hurt and therefore alive.

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