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2 de octubre de 2017

The essence of me

My love, my love for cinema. I grew up watching classic movies, Black and white films, mostly from Hollywood, two per week, minimum, sometimes even five. I felt in love with the magic of the cinema. The music, the photography, the cameras, all the technique behind, the told histories, the scripts, the dialogues, every director and his peculiar perspective of filming the plot....but the most attractive bit, the actors and their work.

When a movie was good, I totally accepted the history I was watching, in the facts I was seeing. Beyond believing in the actors and their interpretation, I felt like their characters. I was empathising so much that I was getting into the role.

I had dreams where I was a witness of that golden age in Hollywood. I prowl around the sets. I met Hitchcock. I observed Gene Kelly rehearsing a choreography before shooting. I saw how Katherine Hepburn was preparing herself for a role. I dreamt of meeting them all, of being one like them. Someone with the possibility of doing what they do and they do: suffer, love, hate....and convince to whoever is watching me that what is happening is real. To be able to provoke something in the spectator, to touch the audience the same way I felt.

I've always been really curious, but what fascinates me most is the opportunity to learn and put into practise all the knowledge and necessary skills to make credible your character. The ongoing training and develop as a person and as a professional.  Make people believe: that you really are an expert in martial arts, that you can ride a horse and shoot like a cowboy, or as a warrior you know how to fight with a sword and wear an armour. Or even if you are a pilot as a profession you can also fly like a superhero. Or just a normal girl who likes to sign and tap dance.

The power of being a king, a cool hired assassin, a stupid badass, an evil tyrant, a vampire, a creature, to interact with a monster and have a dragon as friend. The challenge of being someone completely different from you: from another time, another culture, with another language...

How incredible is to do things you would never do. To say things you would never dare to say. To be in places you could never have imagined. To think like someone you are not, but to whom you are embodying. The amazing experience of truly being someone else and see thing from a different point of view while you are yourself.

I always wanted to do or at least try many things. Every time I loved lots of stuff. I believe in the cinema you can do everything, everything is possible. 

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